The Buttweiler Compound

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Okay, I promised more soon and here I am. Everyone is sick here. Gabbi was sent home from school because she was complaining that her ear hurt and it was red. Sure enough, she has an ear infection. Poor kid. I'm feeling a little better but now I have my period. @@

These two pictures are from Shellie's preschool "concert". You can barely see Shellie on the top row in the middle. She insisted on being on the top row rather in front. The teacher asked her 3 times but she wouldn't move. Oh well. She kept waving at me during the concert. It was very cute.

Shellie insisted on wearing her pink barbie dress up dress and a brown shirt. Werner was quite mad about it as he didn't think it was very appropriate. I was just happy she put a shirt on under the dress to keep her warm and her chest from showing. Pick your battles I always say. :)

These next pictures are from Santa with the Stendahl's. It was so much fun this year. The girls actually sat on their laps and let some girls paint their cheeks. It was very cute.

Well, that's all I have time for now. I'll try to post again in a couple of days.


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